
Windows 7 boot screen for Xp

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Change Win Xp System Properties to Win 7

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[Trick] Change Windows 7 Windows Experience Index Score to (Max) 7.9

I have seen many new laptops and newer desktop machines with relatively lower Windows Experience Index score. The average Windows Experience Index score for normal computer is something like  3.0  to  4.0 (out of 7.9) which i think is very low. Computer systems grow over the years and now we have some of the fastest machine’s available in the market and in our homes. One cannot understand why Windows is still showing low Windows Experience Index score for newer systems. Most of the time its your system Desktop Performance for Windows Aero which let your Score down. So you have two choices to increase your  windows 7  Windows Experience Index Score. One is that you upgrade your computer with proper things and other is via  Windows Trick . When building a new computer many people try to install the latest and heaviest processor in order to make there system fast. But its not only processor that make your computer perform fast. You also have to match the Mo...

Change Windows 7 System Properties Logo

                                                     Ever wanted to change the default windows logo in  windows 7  system properties with your own custom one or with Apple’s logo. Its human nature that with time he tends to get bore with old things and same is happen with Windows users. Every day you see same windows interface with same folder icons, Windows themes, Wallpapers and default windows icons. But not many people think like that. They produce small utilizes for us so that we can customize the windows with time to time. This will surely produce interest in windows and hence you can enjoy our work. When you press  windows logo + pause/break  button, you will see Windows system properties box with all the information and default orb style logo. The way we are going to change the default orb style logo with our custom one...

Download Windows 8 Metro Style for Windows Xp

If you are still using old and boring Windows XP than chances are you want to change the GUI of your windows XP. There are some people who still love Windows XP because its lite and use less resources so what if you want to enjoy the windows 8 Metro style while staying at your current windows XP. Yes you can transform your windows XP into Windows 8 Metro style by just installing Omnimo 4.1 for Rainmeter. Omnimo 4.1 is basically a windows phone inspired theme which is finally the official theme of windows 8. Its an interactive multifunctional desktop theme which allows you to quickly choose application instantly after the login. These tiles are so fast and interactive that you love the way it work and definitely forget previous windows platform. Omnimo 4.1pack  includes the theme files as well as ClearVS which will make your windows task bar completely transparent. How to install the Omnimo 4.1 for Rainmeter. 1. First you need to install  Rainmeter 2.1  which...

How to Change the Text on Windows Xp start Button

Steps 1 First of all, make sure you download Resource Hacker .(See Ext. Links below to download Resource Hacker) You'll need this software to edit resources inside your Windows shell. 2 Locate explorer .exe in your c:\Windows directory. Make a copy of the file in the same directory and rename it explorer.bak. 3 Launch Resource Hacker . Choose File -> Open. Choose explorer.exe. You will now see a bunch of collapsed folders. 4 Expand the String Table folder and then find folder No . 37 (folder No. 38 if you're in Windows Classic mode). 5 Click on resource 1033 and locate the text that says "Start ." This is your Start button, and now you've got control over what it says! Change the "Start" text to your text of choice. You don't have a character limit, but the text takes up valuable taskbar space, so don't make it too long. 6 Click on the button labeled Compile Script . This updates the settings ...