Steps 1 First of all, make sure you download Resource Hacker .(See Ext. Links below to download Resource Hacker) You'll need this software to edit resources inside your Windows shell. 2 Locate explorer .exe in your c:\Windows directory. Make a copy of the file in the same directory and rename it explorer.bak. 3 Launch Resource Hacker . Choose File -> Open. Choose explorer.exe. You will now see a bunch of collapsed folders. 4 Expand the String Table folder and then find folder No . 37 (folder No. 38 if you're in Windows Classic mode). 5 Click on resource 1033 and locate the text that says "Start ." This is your Start button, and now you've got control over what it says! Change the "Start" text to your text of choice. You don't have a character limit, but the text takes up valuable taskbar space, so don't make it too long. 6 Click on the button labeled Compile Script . This updates the settings ...